Look, Learn and Enjoy  
The World of Tea Bowls

October 16, 2019 to December 1, 2019

In the beginning of the 16thcentury, chanoyu was established as the style of tea ceremony in Japan.
The Chinese tea bowl, tenmokuchawan was predominantly used for drinking tea.
As time went by, other types of pottery were introduced into the world of chanoyu.
In the middle of the century, people started to use tea bowls from the Korean peninsula.
During this period, local pottery such as bizen and shigaraki wares became popular.
Tea masters started to call products from China “karamono” and Korean works as “koraimono.”
Products made in Japan were called “wamono,” which were mainly classified by the region in which they were made.
Likeswise, special masterpieces made by well-known artisanswere called by their producers names such as Ninsei and Kenzan.
In this exhibition, we will introduce and guide you in understanding the amusing world of chawan.
We carefully chose a variety of tea bowl styles from different origins.
We hope you look, learn and enjoy imagining yourself drinking matcha here from these delightful chawan.




Nomura Art Museum

61 Nanzenji-Shimokawaracho,
Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8434
Phone: +81-(0)75-751-0374