Spring Special Exhibition
– a selection of works by Raku successive generations:
Reflecting on Mount Fuji

March 16, 2019 to June 30, 2019

This year marks the beginning of a new Era name in Japan with the accession of the successive Emperor. Coincidentally the Raku family also sees a taking over of the new headship. This exhibition embraces a wishful expectation for the start of this new Era in both by showcasing a selection of works by Raku generations designed with a motif of Mount Fuji, an auspicious symbol of Japan. We hope that the pure and clear-cut imagery of Mount Fuji reflecting on to the black and red surface of Raku tea bowls could evoke a fresh spirit anticipating the future of this new Era.




Raku Museum

Aburanokôji-dôri Ichijô sagaru
Kamigyo-ku Kyoto 602-0923
Tel: +81 (0)75 414 0304